0208 5193 977

Elsham Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 3JH



Alice, Conker Class Teacher

Hi everyone! My name is Alice and I will be teaching your children in Conker class this year, alongside Jo and Angela. I am here if you have any questions or doubts. Please let me know at the end  of the day or by email at conker@jennyhammond.waltham.sch.uk 

I look forward to working in partnership with you during this first Jenny Hammond chapter for your children!


Conker classroom

Weekly PE Lesson 2024-25

PE is on Friday morning. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit. 

PE kit is a: white t-shirt, navy shorts and/or
navy jogging bottoms and black pumps.

Please note: PE lessons will start on Friday 13.09.24.

Reception Newsletter - Autumn 2

Headteacher Newsletter - Autumn 2

General timetable - Autumn 2

Autumn term - Parent consultations calendar

Jenny Hammond Golden Rules

Jenny Hammond Behaviour Policy in EYFS (Reception)

Self-regulation in Reception

Our book suggestions

Monster Phonics Workshop Handout 24/25

 cover page.docxDownload
 Monster Phonics workshop for parents.pptDownload
 Phonics Phase One - Activity ideas.docDownload
 Phonics vocabulary - Copy.docxDownload
 year-2-sound-mat (1).pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Monster Phonics Pure Sounds - Listen and repeat

Phonics Mat - Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds

Monster Phonics Letter Formation Rhymes

Yearly Phonics Progression Map

Reception High Frequency and Common Exception Words

Please sign up for our Monster Phonics eBooks by clicking on the link below


A variety of fantastic educational games, supporting phonic learning, can be found at www.phonicsplay.co.uk 

Play dough disco videos