Spring Term 2025
Year 4 Lilac Reminders
Our weekly spelling tests take place every Tuesday. Pupils will learn the spelling rule in school during the previous week and should practise their spellings at home.
On Thursday mornings, we start our day with Reading for Pleasure. Parents and carers are invited into our classroom until 9:25am to read with the pupils. Pupils should also bring their reading journal and reading book in to school on Thursdays.
Year 4 P.E lessons will take place every Friday morning. On Fridays, pupils should come in to school wearing their P.E kits and bring a water bottle.
All Year 4 pupils will be participating in the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in June 2025. We will be learning all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 throughout the year and will practise these daily.
You can practise the MTC online using https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/. There are 25 questions in total, with a time limit of 6 seconds to answer each question.
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